Triathlon wetsuit

Triathlon wetsuit

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Triathlon wetsuit












Trisuits and Wetsuits

Trisuits/Wetsuits1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day+/Day
Tri Suits$30$40$50$60$70$75$80$6



Click Here for life jacket info


Make: Highway Nineteen/2XU

2XU t:3 Full Sleeve Features:

  • Floating Zip panel.
  • SXS coating.
  • 39 cell front buoyancy panel.
  • Rollbar technology.
  • Velocity Strakes.
  • SCS coating.
  • 520% Stretch lining.
  • Seamless Shoulder.



Make: Whites Diving

Two piece suits with a Farmer John (or Jane) and a jacket.
Constructed of 3mm neoprene these wetsuits are suitable for river rafting, kayaking, water skiing, wake boarding.



Make: Whites Diving.

Made of 3mm neoprene these wetsuits are a one-piece suit that ends in the middle of the upper arm and just above the knees. Ideal for added movement in water- skiing or wake boarding in warmer waters.
Make: Whites Diving
5mm thick neoprene booties with rubber soles suitable for rafting and kayaking.
*Trisuit wetsuit rental can be reserved if booking for 2 or more days.
Triathlon wetsuit